Light Sources

This chapter aims to summarize the light sources in the ICEHAP labs. If you find this page to be incomplete, please add your lightsource.

Laser and optical bench

The lightsource used for the gain calibrations and 2D scans is a Hamamatsu laser. The laser is mounted inside a darkbox shown in Fig. 4.


Fig. 4 The closed darkbox containing the laser, optical bench and reference PMT setup.

The laser is controlled by the powersupply shown in Fig. 5.


Fig. 5 The laser controller, laser intensity and pulse frequency can be set. A cable is connected to the external trigger out.

The laser is mounted to an optical table as shown in Fig. 6. There is a static 1% filter, as well as an adjustable filter wheel in the beamline. After that, the beam is split into signal and reference line with a beamsplitter. The beams are coupled into optical fibers, which lead to a small box inside the laserbox as well as the 2D scan box.


Fig. 6 The optical bench inside the laser darkbox.

The reference line ends in a collimator, which is directed onto a reference PMT. That setup is shown in Fig. 7.


Fig. 7 The reference PMT mount within the laser darkbox.

The signal line ends in the 2D scan box, the collimator is mounted to a driveable Zenith, Azimuth stage. The closed scan box is shown in Fig. 8.


Fig. 8 The covered 2D scan box.