Wikipage Help

This page aims to collect helpful links and examples on how to edit this webpage and add new stuff.

The alias manual on ratafia opens this webpage in firefox.

Directory structure

This webpage lives on ratfia. The source code is located in:


The index.rst file contains the top level structure of this webpage. If you add a new major chapter to the webpage, you need to add it to the index.rst file.

The texts subdirectory contains the top level files for every major chapter. Each major chapter has its own subdirectory in the texts folder. Add the new subchapter in that directory, it will automatically be added with the next build.

Building the webpage

After executing the build with:

make clean
make html

The build is stored in the _build/html/ directory.

The build is configured in the file.


This is a sphinx generated wikipage. It’s syntax is reStructured Text.

You can find first steps for reStructured text here. There also is a nice cheat sheet.