Bad run list


I defined bad runs based on the time difference between events which should follow the Poissson distribution. You can see the results in this page. Here, I summerized the bad run list below.

Bad run list

2007/May None
2007/June day 16-30
2007/July day 1-3, 108895, 108896, 108911, 108912 (flusher runs)
2007/August 109049, 109097
2007/September None
2007/October None
2007/November None
2007/December None
2008/Janunary None
2008/February 110303, 110527
2008/March 110648, 110655, 110715
2008/April None

Keiichi Mase
Last modified: 2008-11-05 23:04:47