Data check with more statistics (channel-wise)

(Wanna see the event-wise results?)

Data and the procedure

Here, you see results from the 22 strings data.

I used the available data so far(July 7th - Sept. 13th).

The possible signal region is blinded (log10(total Npe)<5.).

The procedure is same as done for event-wise study.

This is the script to make the root files to analyze.

The data size is quite large due to the channel-wise information. I used only 1/10000 events from the available data. (The data are uniformly selected from the whole sample.)


Let me summerize at first. The data generaly looks fine.

1. gain stability

Gain distribution for all OMs. The spread is quite small (~1%)

Gain Vs time. Each OM's fluctuation is smaller than the whole spraed.

PMT gain for each OM (all period)

PMT gain for each OM (July)

PMT gain for each OM (August)

PMT gain for each OM (Sept.)

2. pedestal stability

Pedestal distribution (ATWD). There is a tail...

Pedestal distribution (FADC). The spread is very small.

Pedestal (ATWD) Vs time. There is a tail, but stable in time.

Pedestal (FADC) Vs time. Stable in time.

Pedestal (ATWD) Vs Npe (log10). There is two branches...
The pedestal is almost 0 above 30 p.e., so this should be OK at least for the EHE analysis.

Pedestal (FADC) Vs Npe (log10). There is no Npe dependence.

3. occupancy

Occupancy (ATWD)
black: no cut
green: log10(total Npe) > 3.5

Occupancy (FADC)
black: no cut
green: log10(total Npe) > 3.5

Occupancy (ATWD) for each OM

Occupancy (FADC) for each OM

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs x position
black: no cut
green: log10(total Npe) > 3.5

Occupancy (FADC) Vs x position

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs y position

Occupancy (FADC) Vs y position

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs z position

Occupancy (FADC) Vs z position

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs xy position

Occupancy (FADC) Vs xy position

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs xy position (log10(Npe)>3)

Occupancy (FADC) Vs xy position (log10(Npe)>3)

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs xy position (log10(Npe)>3.5)

Occupancy (FADC) Vs xy position (log10(Npe)>3.5)

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs xz position

Occupancy (FADC) Vs xz position

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs xz position (log10(Npe)>3)

Occupancy (FADC) Vs xz position (log10(Npe)>3)

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs xz position (log10(Npe)>3.5)

Occupancy (FADC) Vs xz position (log10(Npe)>3.5)

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs yz position

Occupancy (FADC) Vs yz position

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs yz position (log10(Npe)>3)

Occupancy (FADC) Vs yz position (log10(Npe)>3)

Occupancy (ATWD) Vs yz position (log10(Npe)>3.5)

Occupancy (FADC) Vs yz position (log10(Npe)>3.5)

4. Npe


FADC charge Vs ATWD charge

FADC amplitude Vs ATWD amplitude

Npe Vs amplitude (ATWD)

Npe Vs amplitude (FADC)

5. timming

DOM launch time
There seem to be three peaks. (11000, 17000 and 25000 [ns])
I checked more, so please go to this page if you are interested.

Launch time Vs distance from the CoG
There are some correlation between the launch time and the CoG.

Launch time Vs amplitude (ATWD)
There is no clear amplitude dependence.

Launch time Vs amplitude (FADC)

FADC leading edge time Vs ATWD leading edge time
The leading time is defined the timming when above 3 mV.

Leading edge time Vs amplitude (ATWD)
There is no clear amplitude dependence.

Leading edge time Vs amplitude (FADC)

FADC peak time Vs ATWD peak time

FADC time 50 Vs ATWD time 50.
Time 50 is defined as the time when 50% of total signal included.
You see some spread.

FADC time 80 Vs ATWD time 80.
Time 80 is defined as the time when 80% of total signal included.
Now, two distributions are clearly seen. The difference is about 5 micro second. Interesting...

ATWD time 80
The peak time is different between ATWD and FADC. This is the reason of the two branches in above plot.

FADC time 80

Time 80 Vs amplitude (ATWD)
No clear correlation.

Time 80 Vs amplitude (FADC)

Comments are welcome!

Keiichi Mase
Last modified: Sat Nov 10 15:25:52 JST 2007