Maximum number for photon generation


In order to speed up simulation processing, we put a hard limit for photon number to simulate for a DOM. This is valid and efficient because we will not have infinitely large pulse due to PMT saturation anyway. However, the hard-wired number has to be enough large, which will be cancelled by the PMT saturation effect afterwards.


The current hard-wired limit number is 500k photons. I changed this value to 1 M photons, and compared the results with default one. The script I used for the generation is here.


Event-wise total Npe Vs energy

The current default limit (500 k)

The statistics is ~50k.

higher maximum number 1 M

The statistics is 10k.

The distribution is quite similar to default limit.

other parameters

DOM number distribution

black: 500k, red: 1M

They are almost identical.

channel-wise atwd npe distributions

black: 500k, red: 1M

They are almost identical.

channel-wise fadc npe distributions

black: 500k, red: 1M

They are almost identical.

channel-wise atwd peak amplitude distributions

black: 500k, red: 1M

They are almost identical.

channel-wise fadc peak amplitude distributions

black: 500k, red: 1M

They are almost identical.


Keiichi Mase
Last modified: Thu May 29 01:43:14 JST 2008