Minutes y05m09d27-28

Present: David, Aya, Sean, Kotoyo, Paolo (UW-Madison)
         Keiichi, Sleepy Hiroko :), Shigeru (Chiba)
         Dusan (Maryland)

1 Status Report

   a. MC data look (Keiichi, Aya, Shigeru)

     The strange behavior reported in the last video conf has almost been
     fixed or understood. 

     (1) a strange split of energy population in the brightest cascade.

     This is physics which arised from difference of inelsticity of the
     pair creations from the other reactions. The updated propagation matrix data
     looks much better.

     (2) Azimuth values in the MC weight dict are all negative.

     This was a bug in I3JulietUtil. Fixed.

     (3) The spectrum of MC primary particles has a higher cutoff
     at 1 PeV, which should have been 100 TeV.

     This was a bug in Event.java of the JULIeT's event package. Fixed.

     (4) Both primary differential flux AND Juliet's propagating neutrino flux
     exhibits a bump structure at around 2-3 PeV. 

     Madison used the OLD version of the matrix data files. It has gone 
     after the updates

     (5) A strange behavior in number of total PEs as a function of number
     of OMs with hit.

     A guess is due to the bug in I3HitConstructor. Needs to check again as
     now the hit constructor has been updated.

  b. Cascade reco module (Sean)

    It has been found that the photonics table volume is too small.
    Needs to improve it. Started talking about it to the photonics people.
    A good news is the wf-llh module appears to exhibit capability
    of "energy" resolution event without any optimization for EHE.
    See his talk in the Oxford workshop.

2. Near Future plan (everybody) - after the London!

   The agenda are pretty much same as those in EHE web page.
   Below are some items which needs to be focused!

 a. MC (Keiichi, Aya, Kotoyo, Paolo, Shigeru)

  (1) Understand the z-vertex distribution of the most energetic cascade. 
      Why it is NOT flat? - Keiichi

  (2) The "fatal error" by I3DOMCalibrator has gone? - Keiichi

  (3) Where the hell in the codes slows down CPU time? How to improve the performance?
      Try to figure out using new tools in phys-services. - Keiichi/Kotoyo

  (3') Improve the hit constructor by using SLT vector resize(track#) - Keiichi/Kotoyo

  (4) A strange behavior of OMHit - PE # has gone? - Aya

  (5) Improve the photonics table -  Paolo/Shigeru

 b. Weigher (Aya, Shigeru)

  (1) Implement the neutrino interaction weight. Provide the Java interface
      for this purpose - Shigeru/Aya

  (2) Produce the propagation matrix data for downgoing events as a function
     of distances. Updates the I3WeigherModuleJuliet to fetch them - Aya/Shigeru

  (3) Documentation of the weigher module and its idea behind - Shigeru/Aya

  (4) Estimate "event rate" and "eff area" using MC truth (Npe, cos(zenith)) - Aya

 c. FE"Lite" and 1st guess (Aya)

  (1) Think about better name for FE"Lite" - Everybody!!

  (2) Write this module to subtract Charge and Time. Time will be derived from
      the cumulative charge profile.

  (3) Develope "LineFit" for EHE first guess.

 d. cascade reco (Sean, Kotoyo)

  (1) Update PSI_PhotonicsEHE to implement the PDF from the photonics
      (GetReconstructionShower() function) - Kotoyo/Sean

  (2) further testing of wf-llh for EHE single cascade - Sean

 e. dataclass (Kotoyo)

  (1) prepare the dataclasses to store "charge" and "time", 1st guess track info,
   and finally to store the reconstructed composite cascades.