Minutes y06m05d11

Present: Aya, David, Kotoyo, Sean(UW-Madison)
         Hiroko, Keiichi, Mina, Shigeru (Chiba)

1. DC2 convation status

  juliet-interface (Shigeru/Kotoyo) "almost" done with a temporal I3JulietParticle
                                    dataclass. Changing project-config.mk has led to
                                    compiling all the classes, but some functions appears
                                    missing in execution. Kotoyo is investigating them.

  neutrino-generator "Anis" (Aya)   still working on it...

  Ophela DC (Kotoyo)                done with a temporal particle class with "Has-A"
                                    datamember of I3Particle.

  Portia (Aya)                      Not started. Proably will be done by end of this month.

  weighting module (Aya)            Not started. Will start next month, after generating
                                    upstream MC data and their debugging.

  Gulliver (David)                  Currently working on it. Will be completed within a matter
                                    of a few days. 

2. String-9 working data sample  proposal

  Looks OK. Shigeru will contact Gary to discuss at the analysis call.

3. Sean's Preliminary Examination presentation

  Almost ready. The exam is scheduled in May 22nd. Good luck!

4. Aya's talk at CRIS 2006 (ppt)

  The new plots concerning 20++ string array have been included. 
  Aya will circulate almost-final-version of the presentation file by early next week
  before bringing it up to the icecube-c.

5. muon reco status

  No major progress has been made since the workshop. Keiichi will be back to this work soon.
  Sean will start after his exams. His "wf-llh" project has been converted to DC2.